9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Truly Known

My God; I shall seek you earnestly; my soul thirst for
you…. Your lovingkindness is better than life. 

Psalm 63:1,3

Do you ever wish someone understood, appreciated, respected, and loved you for who you are? This is because you were built for intimacy a close, deeply satisfying relationship that empowers, edifies, and encourages you to the core.

Unfortunately, sin can prevent you from experiencing the communion you were created for. You may even comfort or significance from source that satiate your longings such as possessions, prominence, or addictions.

King David, the author of Psalms 63, understood this. He had everything a person could desire, but concluded that the only One who could genuinely satisfy his soul was God.

The same is true for you. The father created you in his image so you could interact with Him in a profoundly meaningful way that would fulfill your deepest longings. And it’s as He reveals Himself to you that you discover sincere contentment, the reason for your existence, and hope for your future.

Father, thank You for understanding
and loving me for who I am, amen.

In His Presence…
enjoy being fully known.


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