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Faith That He Is

Without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek Him. Hebrews 11:6

What is it you hope for? What desire is stirring in your heart? When God spoke to you about it, did you believe Him?

True faith is not just assurance in a certain outcome; rather, it’s obsolete confidence in God’s unfailing character and ability, regardless of your circumstances. When He speaks to your heart, He means what He says and will accomplish what He promises (Isaiah 55:10-11). Therefore, real faith trusts that that living God will fulfill His words.

       But I’ve been waiting so long, you may lament. Yes, and the Father may have you wait even longer (Isaiah 64:4). However, the important question to focus on here are: Do you believe God exists and will help you? And do you believe He has your best interest in mind?

You don’t have to keep pleading for God to do what He’s promised. He will. Rather, rely on His faultless ability and character. And trust He will always keep His word.

God, I do believe You will help me. Thank you for having my best interest in mind and leading me successfully, amen.

In His Presence…
true faith becomes reality.


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