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An Astounding Privilege

The Lord has established His throne in the heavens, and His sovereignty rules over all. Psalm 103:19

Have you considered what an astounding gift it is to be able to know the living God? To be able to approach Him at any time with whatever issue presses your heart?

No matter what you encounter today, He already knows all about it and has the best plan for leading you successfully through it. He knows you better than you know yourself-your past, present, and future; the thoughts you think, the motives of your heart; the places where you need to heal, and the ways you must grow.

With His sovereign, omnipotent hand, He can handle any obstacle or difficulty you face. With His unfathomable knowledge, He guides you with perfect wisdom. And because of His unfailing, unconditional love, He makes sure everything that touches your life will ultimately be used for your good (Romans 8:28).

Is your heart set on knowing Him? I hope it is, because there’s absolutely nothing better or more encouraging than walking with Him and experiencing His awesome presence.

God, truly You are sovereign and greatly to be
praised. Teach me who You are and show me
how to appreciate You more every day, amen. 

In His presence…
experience the King of Kings.


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