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Unyielded Territory

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your strength.” Deuteronomy 6:5

There will always be an indescribable longing in you as long as you keep areas of your life away from God. You were created to know Him with your entire being. This is why as long as there are aspects of your personhood you withhold from Him, the indefinable yearning will persist (Romans 8:20-21).

“But I love God,” you may say. Of course you do. But consider: Are there any sins, issues, relationships, grudges, or thoughts you still haven’t surrendered to Him? Is there something He is reminding you of that hasn’t been relinquished?

“That couldn’t possibly be what is causing my emptiness and pain,” you may reply. But if the Holy Spirit brought it to mind, it’s most likely the reason you continue to struggle.

Friend, let it go. Whether it seems minor or constitutes the foundations of all your hopes-give it freely to the Father. He is faithful and just to help you and give you what is truly best for you (Psalm 84:11).

Father, please reveal any areas of my life that
are unyielded  so I may relinquish them to You.
Thank you for setting me free, amen.

In His presence… submit yourself to Him fully.


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