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Everything For Good

God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. Romans 8:28

Is there a difficulty in your life that continues to persist no matter what you do? You may not understand it at the moment, and that’s okay. It is not necessary that you comprehend your circumstances or why they effect you as they do. Instead, what’s important is that you honor the Lord in them.

The key to maintaining your hope as you experience adversity is found in this one foundational truth: God is absolutely sovereign (Psalm 103:19). And because He is Lord over all creation, you can know for certain that He will work through everything that touches your life for your benefit. That’s right-everything. Nothing gets through to you if it won’t somehow refine or edify you eventually.

Therefore, the wisest course of action whenever trials arise is to ask, “Father, what would you have me learn?” Listen to Him. Trust Him. Obey Him. And endure with confidence, knowing that eventually you’ll see how He’s worked through every detail to bless you.

Father, thank You that something good is coming from the adversity. Teach me, Lord; I’m ready to learn, amen.

In His presence… trust there’s a
good purpose for what you’re facing


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