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Beyond Reasonable

“As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher than your ways.”
Isaiah 55:9

Be prepared-at times, the Lord’s instructions may not make sense to you. In fact, it’s a principle you must embrace if you wish to know the Father: God doesn’t require you to understand His will, just obey it, even if it seems unreasonable.

Think about it. Why would the Lord ask Abraham to leave his home without telling him where he was going(Genesis 12:1-2)? Or why would God promise Abraham a son at age seventy-five, and then wait twenty-five years to fulfill His word? Humanly, it doesn’t make sense.

But that’s the point. You are not supposed to understand the Father His desire is that you would honor Him as God–as the sovereign One who transcends all earthly limitations. Because when You do, he does the miraculous on your behalf and your faith grows strong.

Reason will always interfere with faith. As long as you’re looking for everything to make sense, you’re not fully depending on omnipotent God. Friend, give up your earthbound notions and allow Him to show you who he really is.

Lord, I accept that Your wisdom is beyond my own. Help me honor you with my life, amen.

In His presence… accept that
He is the ultimate reality.


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