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Full Faith Response

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask of God….
Bur let him ask in faith, with no doubting. James 1:5-6

Are you hoping for God to work in a mighty way through your life? As a believer, it would be understandable if you did. After all, you know the Father has a great plans for you (Jeremiah 29:11); it’s only natural that you’d ask Him to lead you and bless your future. The question, however, is how you receive His instruction when you seek Him.

Scripture is clear that when you seek God and He answers you, it’s of utmost importance that you believe Him (Mark 11:23-24) and act in accordance with how He responds to you (Jeremiah 7:23). If you react to His instruction with unbelief, not really expecting the Father to come through, you’re simply demonstrating to Him that you’re not ready  for His full blessing.

So how do you keep your faith strong until the Lord acts on your behalf? Fix your focus on Him—His character, ability, and love—rather than on your circumstances. And as you keep your eyes on God, He will do immeasurably more than you can imagine.

Lord, strengthen my faith so I can follow
wherever You lead without doubting, amen.

In His presence… respond in full faith



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