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Little By Little

“Little by little I will drive them out from before you, until you have increased.
Exodus 23:30 NKJV

When your problems persist, it can be disheartening. Today it may seem like the healing of old wounds is taking forever or that you just can’t seem to get past certain challenges.

But take heart. When God prepared the nation of Israel to conquer the promised land. He made it clear that there would be many enemies and that it would take some time to drive them all out. This was for a purpose—so that the people would depend upon Him daily, learn to trust Him, and grow.

The time it takes for you to overcome the difficulties is all part of God’s plan to make sure you have complete and unshakeable victory. It may seem as if the progress is slow, but be assures, the Lord is doing a thorough job. And the learn as a result will be with you forever—to His praise and glory.

Lord, thank You for teaching me so thoroughly. Father, I trust Your timing and the way You are training me. Thank You for loving me so much, amen.

In His presence … discover complete victory and unshakable growth.



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