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Dependence And Surrender

He reached down from heaven and rescued me; he drew me out of deep waters.
Samuel 22:17

Do you feel anxious? Do you long for God to speak to you about something pressing and specific? At times, He will bring you to the point of desperation so you’ll rely on Him and be open to what He says. You see, dependence on the Father and surrender to His will go hand in hand. You must be convinced that He has the best plan, and usually that means coming to the realization that there’s nothing you can do to improve your situation. Until then, you’re like a person who is drowning struggling and flailing for air against the inundating waters and inadvertently fighting the one who is trying to rescue you. It is not until your strength is gone and you give up that He can lead you to safety. So stop working against Him. Lean on God’s power, wisdom, and love. And yield to your Rescuer’s plan. Allow your desperation to lead you to dependence on Him, for that is the path to your sure deliverance.

Lord, I do feel like l am desperately drowning at times. Thank you for rescuing me. I will depend on You and surrender to Your plan, amen. 

In His presence… allow Him to rescue you.



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