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Worship Him

Come, let us worship and bow down, let us kneel before the LORD our Maker. For He is our God.
Psalm 95:6-7

At this moment, you may be tempted to focus on the stresses and challenges that await you today. But instead of turning your attention to them, think about the Lord God who is able to help you conquer no matter what you face (Romans 8:37).

Worship the Father. Honor Him for who He is. Meditate on His attributes. Praise Him for your salvation and all the ways He has helped you in the past. Thank Him for even greater provision, protection, and evidence of His love in the future.

Open His Word and read about all the ways He faithfully delivered His people throughout history. Express your gratefulness that He is as present and powerful in your life as He was with the saints of old. Because when you worship the Almighty and truly think about who He is, your troubles will not seem so overwhelming.

Surely nothing can stand against you when you walk with Him. Therefore, put your hope in God.

Father, I praise and worship You, the God of all mighty in power, perfect in wisdom creation and abounding in unfailing love, amen.

In His presence… express your adoration.



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