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The Difficulty of Trust

Those who know Your name will put their trust in You, for You O LORD, have not forsaken those who seek You. Psalm 9:10

What the Father is asking of you is not supposed to be easy. If trust—God were easy, everyone would do it. In some ways, maintaining faith in Him is the most difficult challenge you’ll encounter because it means turning away from every natural instinct in you.

You must deny your fleshly need to control your circumstances, rule your life, and to see evidences of your heart’s desire coming fruition. This is absolutely essential if you are to truly know and serve Him. But God is a patient and gentle Teacher, and He will give you the grace to place your full confidence in Him.

Friend, God’s help to you may not always unfold the way you imagine it will, but you can always trust that He will bless you when you faithfully obey Him. So focus on Him and His activity-not on your circumstances. And be assured, you can trust Him. All He wants is the opportunity to prove it to you.

Father want to trust You more. Increase my faith and make me sensitive to Your loving presence, amen.

 In His presence… let go and trust Him.



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