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Assured Success

“Not by might nor by power but by My Spirit,” says the LORD.
Zechariah 4:6

You are not alone in your fear that you will fall short. Everyone you meet worries about this as well. Others may hide it, but every person wrestles with the anxiety that they will somehow fail, be rejected, or be deemed unworthy possessing their heart’s dearest desires.

The difference in you is the Holy Spirit who indwells you others may rely on their abilities, charms, or strengths. But you have a divine Helper who ensures you are accepted, important, and competent for the tasks He gives you to do (Philippians 2:13).

Likewise, you know that everything in your life comes from the Father’s hand. If God closes someone’s heart to you or denies you access to a particular opportunity, it’s not because you’ve failed but because it’s not His will. The denial is merely evidence of His protection and plan.

Friend, count on God not only to open the right doors for you also to enable you to succeed in all He gives you to do. He will certainly not fail you.

Lord, I know You will lead me in the right path. You are my ability, strength, wisdom, hope, and success. I praise Your name, amen.

In His presence… accept His plan.



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