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Readied Defenses

We use God’s mighty weapons, not worldly weapons, to knock down the strongholds of human reasoning and to destroy false arguments. 
2 Corinthians I0:4

What is it that makes you stumble in your faith? Are you particularly prone to discouragement or greed? Do you struggle with lust or gossip? If you wait until you’re in the midst of a temptation to fight it, you will fail. However, you can win the battle against your flesh by readying your defenses before the fight begins.

How do you do so? First, identify the thoughts that trigger you to sin. Often you’ll find that your difficulties begin with deep- seated anxieties. For example, greed can result when you fear that you will not have enough or will be deemed unworthy. So observe what makes you feel vulnerable and elicits your reaction.

Second, do as Jesus did when He was tempted—use Scripture as a shield. Ask God to reveal the verses that best combat the thoughts that make you stumble.

Commit your thoughts to Him and ready your defenses. It may take time, but the Savior is more than able to lead you to victory over temptation.

Lord, please reveal the thoughts that trigger this sin and the Scripture I need to fight it, amen.

In His presence… triumph over temptation.