9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Truly God

When all the people saw it, they fell on their faces; and they said, “The LORD, He is God!”
1 Kings 18: 39

Either you truly believe the Lord is God or you don’t. That is the choice before you today. Either you’ll trust the Father has brought you to the end of your options, strength, and ability for His glory; or you’ll give in to the notion that you’re alone without hope.

The prophet Elijah knew he could always count on the Father. And in order to demonstrate that there is only one true God, he challenged 850 prophets of the false deities Baal and Asherah to send fire from heaven to consume an offering. Whomever responded— whether their idols or the Lord— would prove to be sovereign.

With no other resource than wholehearted confidence in the Father’s ability, Elijah stood courageously against the multitude of enemies (1 Kings 18). And the Lord powerfully honored his faith.

God didn’t let Elijah down, and He won’t fail you either. Circumstances may be aligned against you that you feel powerless to overcome, but it’s all to display His glory. So trust Him and be assured— He will respond and prove He is truly God.

 Lord, You are God! I trust You to answer my prayers, amen.

In His presence… find joy in times of pain.