9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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An Open Heart

You desire truth in the innermost being, and in the hidden part You will make me know wisdom.
Psalm 51:6

Are you debating whether or not to talk to God about a certain concern? Are there burdens weighing you down because you’re afraid to give them over to Him? Do they seem unworthy of His attention or cause you shame? Do you think to yourself, I should be praising Him, not complaining?

Friend, transparency is absolutely necessary for growing closer to Jesus. The Father wants you to feel confident enough in His unfailing love to be completely honest before Him with whatever is in your heart. He is devoted to you and cares about what concerns you. You can always feel free to speak with Him honestly about the matters that weigh on your heart.

The Father already knows every thought and emotion you have, but you express your trust in Him when you can openly confess your sins, anxieties, desires, doubts, and frustrations. So share all the details that concern you with God, and allow Him to minister to the deepest part of your soul.

Father, I want to be completely honest with You. Surface my doubts, frustrations, and fears and help me experience Your healing presence, amen.

In His presence… be completely open-hearted