9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Word of Life

Forever, O LORD, Your word is settled in heaven. …I will never forget Your precepts, for by them You have given me life.  Psalm 119:89, 93

People’s words can have a profound effect on your life. They can build you up or wound you deeply. In fact, you may be thinking of what someone said even now considering their remarks and wondering what you did to deserve them.

However, let this truth sink deep into your heart. No matter what anyone says—whether good or bad—it’s never as important or accurate as what God’s Word says about you. Only Scripture testifies to God’s character throughout history and how He—the one True Judge of the living and the dead—sees you.

Through the pages of God’s word, you know the Father better. understand your salvation, strengthen your faith, find your identity as His child and heir, discover the principles for a successful life, and learn how to lead others to the Savior.

This is why there’s nothing more important than meditating on Scripture. Therefore, give more importance to His Word than any one else’s. And allow the Lord to breathe life into you through it.

Lord, Your Word is life. Plant it deep within my heart so your life can flourish in me, amen. 

In His presence …embrace His Word.