9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Listening Carefully

The word of God is alive and active. . . . It judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Hebrews 4:12

Everything you hear should be sifted through the Word of God before you take it to heart. Allow me to repeat that for emphasis: Before you accept anything into your life, you should ensure that it aligns with Scripture. If it doesn’t, reject it outright.

Why? Because the Word of God is your defensive weapon— protecting you, revealing your innermost intentions and motivations, and guarding you from the lies of the enemy. Scripture reveals the reality of who you are as a child of the living God and enables you to discern the truth from error. With it, you are able to defend yourself against anything that would oppose God’s will being accomplished in your life (2 Corinthians 10: 5).

So consider: What decision are you grappling with today? What confirmation do you need? Open your Bible and be diligent, persistent, careful, and discerning in finding your answers. Find your answer in Scripture, because His Word will not steer you wrong.

Father, please answer my questions with Your Word and eliminate anything that contradicts Your truth, amen.

In His presence… find understanding for every situation through His Word.