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Stabilizing Faith

“Do not be afraid! Don’t be discouraged… for the battle is nor yours but God’s.” 
2 Chronicles 20:15

When pressures assail from every side, maintaining your faith can feel like a battle. one or two of the problems you face are overwhelming enough. But as circumstances deteriorate, you may feel even more unbalanced—swinging from absolute trust in the Lord to deep, despairing doubt whenever new troubles appear.

Perhaps this is how King Jеhoshaрhat felt as he learned of the impending onslaught by the Moabites, Ammonites, and Meunites. Even one of these armies would have been too much—defending Judah against this three—fold invasion was absolutely unfeasible.
So Jehoshaphat did the one thing that’s always wise—he sought God. And he Lord showed Jеhoshaрhat that the battle wouldn’t be won by weapons or strategies, but by praise (2 Chronicles 20).

Likewise, the issues bombarding you aren’t contingent upon your resources, but upon your focus. These aren’t battles to your fight. This is your moment to look to God, trust, and obey. So stabilize your faith by praising Him whenever you feel doubt creeping in. Then watch with joy the amazing way He delivers you.

Lord, thank you for handling this overwhelming battle for me. You are good, powerful, wise, and able! Amen.

In His presence …adore Him.