9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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As From Him

“You would have no authority over Me, unless it had been given you from above.”
John 19:11

Think of the sacrifices asked of you as coming from the hand of your Savior—from the One who gave His life for you on the cross—rather than others. After all, absolutely nothing can touch your life without His permission. He has allowed these circumstances for your discipleship. He is teaching you to trust Him.

Jesus made this clear as He stood before Pilate. As the Roman governor of Judea, Pilate believed he played a key role in Jesus’ fate (John 19:10). But Jesus proclaimed the truth—authority had been given to Pilate by God for the plan of salvation to be accomplished. Pilate really had no say; he merely played a small role in the fulfillment of God’s promises.

Likewise, others may seem to be responsible for your difficulties, but the Father has allowed this situation for His purposes. So trust Him, even when the sacrifices seem unfair or painful. Jesus gave His life for you; do this for Him. You’ll be amazed at how He responds on your behalf.

Lord, help me accept this as coming from your hand and not grow bitter I want to obey You, amen.

In His presence …accept challenges as coming from Him.