Destiny Christian Church
9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Resurrection Power

God has fulfilled this promise… in that He raised up Jesus.
Acts 13:33

The empty tomb is a beautiful reminder to you that all that God has promised you is true. Nothing—not even the grave—can prevent Him from keeping His word to you (Isaiah 55:1).

Friend, Jesus has risen from the dead! Sin—the most violent force that keeps you shackled—has been defeated. Death—the most painful foe you could ever face—has lost its grip on you. Your most brutal, insurmountable enemies were conquered, and the very power of the resurrection is yours forever as a child of the living God (Ephesians 1:18-21).

So today, consider: What stands in the way of God fulfilling His promise to you? Are there obstacles greater than sin and death that block your path? What problems do you face that require more power than was available at the resurrection? You know the answer—the challenges before you are no match for the Lord. So trust Him and be assured that He will faithfully do all He has said.

Jesus, thank You for making Your astounding power available to me. No challenge l face is a match for You and I am so grateful You are my Savior, amen. 

In His presence experience resurrection power.