Destiny Christian Church
9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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To Succeed Believe

“Don’t be faithless any longer. Believe!” John 20:27

Thomas was missing when Jesus first appeared to the disciples, and he was also the to voice the greatest doubts about the resurrection. He declared that he wouldn’t believe Christ had risen from the grave unless he touched Jesus’ hands and side (John 20:25). You can imagine the shock and embarrassment he felt when Jesus appeared.

Yet what happened to Thomas can be instructive for you today—especially if God’s made you a promise that you’ve waited a long time to see fulfilled. What you believe about Him will ensure either your success or your failure.

You may, like Thomas, demand the Lord show you signs, but when you do so, you only prove the weakness and immaturity of your faith.

But Jesus said, “Blessed are they who did not see, and yet believed” (John 20:29). If you’ll unwaveringly trust Him to do as He says, you will receive a great blessing. You’ll not only see your dearest prayers answered, but you’ll glorify Him, and your faith will grow.

So don’t embarrass yourself by doubting Him. Trust that He is able, and that one day your faith will be turned to sight.

Lord, I do believe! Please help my unbelief and keep my trust in You strong and steadfast, amen.

In His presence… succeed by believing Him.