Destiny Christian Church
9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Out Of The Pig Pen

“This son of mine was lost and is found.” So they began to celebrate. Luke 15:24

Imagine the prodigal son looking at the pigs he was feeding. As he dropped pods into their sty, his stomach growled, and he realized they were eating better than he was. He was actually envying the hogs! Life couldn’t get much worse. The only alternative this young man could imagine was to return to his father in humiliation. You can imagine his joy as he returned home and found his father had not only forgiven him, but greeted him with open arms.

Likewise, no matter how far you are from God, His arms are open to you as well. You have not slipped too far away from Him—you can’t (2 Timothy 2:13). His grace is always available to lift you out of the pit of sin and defeat, back to victorious living.

So do not envy the pigs or give in to despair. Run back to the Father. He desires to restore you by His grace and fill you with all of His goodness.

Lord, show me the ways I’ve strayed and bring me back to the safety of your love. Thank You for always accepting me, amen.

In His presence …be restored by His grace.