Destiny Christian Church
9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Find Encouragement And Rest

Seek the LORD and His strength; seek His face evermore!

Do you need encouragement today even though you received it yesterday? Are you continuously looking to God’s Word for strength? Do not be discouraged if you are often finding yourself in need of His inspiration and reassurance. You don’t have to question this driving desire for the loving presence of your heavenly Father. You’re looking in the right place. God wants you to seek Him.

Go to Jesus with your problems. Others may grow weary addressing the issues that concern you, but your Savior never will. He will encourage you every moment of the day when you look to Him.

However and this is extremely important obey Him immediately when He directs you to take a step of faith. Whether He asks you to confess a sin, turn away from some activity, seek Him in a specific manner, or reject a pattern of thinking, do so immediately. He wants to heal you of the issues that discourage you and give you true rest for your soul.

Lord Jesus, thank You for encouraging me. You faithfully provide rest for my soul, and I praise Your holy name, amen.

In His presence… rest in His care.