Destiny Christian Church
9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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The Best Defense

My eyes are always on the LORD, for he rescues me.
PSALM 25: 15 NLT 

What are sound biblical principles you can practice as you face the difficulties of your life?

First, recall past victories. Recounting times when the Lord has come to your aid will fortify you for your present challenge.  Second, examine your motivation. What is really driving you in this trial—your goals or your devotion to the Lord?  Third, reject discouragement. Well-meaning people can sometimes quench your faith. Listen to and obey the Father, who will never fail nor forsake you.  Fourth, recognize the real purpose for the battle. Nothing touches your life unless it first passes through the Lord’s protective hand. This means there’s a benefit for you in this challenge if you’ll set your heart to learn from Him.

Finally, rely upon God’s power for victory. Trust the Lord so much that the victory already is decided in your mind. You know your all-powerful, all-wise, perfectly loving Father would never let you down. Friend, trust in the Lord, obey Him, and count on Him to deliver you. He is your best defense no matter what you face.

Lord, I trust You in the challenges of life, for You are always triumphant, amen.

In His presence… stand strong.