Destiny Christian Church
9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Exalt Him

Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God… Suddenly, there was a massive earthquake….All the doors immediately flew open.
ACTS 16:25-26 NLT 

Today, regardless of what is happening, focus on God, who is your Help and Defender. There is nothing more freeing than praising Him and expressing your trust in His power, wisdom, and love.

Consider Paul and Silas, who were unjustly arrested, beaten, and incarcerated in a Philippine jail (Acts 16:16-34). Instead of dwelling on their pain, they focused on the Lord and sang praises to His holy name. And because of their unfailing trust in Him, God released them from prison and many trusted Jesus as their Savior.

There is power in praise. When you exalt the Father, you recognize His love, respect His sovereignty, and prepare the way for His provision.

So today, even if circumstances seem insurmountable, make the choice to rejoice in the Lord. Cry out to the One who is capable of turning your sorrow into joy. And praise not only for what He is planning for your future, but also for what you can learn from your present situation.

Lord, You are God! You are worthy of all honor, glory, power, and praise. Thank You for Your love, amen. 

In His presence …exalt Him.