Destiny Christian Church
9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Daily Help

Blessed be the LORD, who daily bears our burden. PSALM 68:19 

Are you trying to carry all of your burdens by yourself? If so, it’s no wonder you’re weary. The Father never meant for you to carry everything all alone. Rather, He’s given you more than you can bear so you’ll allow Him to sustain you. So don’t be surprised that you cannot help yourself. God makes Himself known to you by rescuing you from trouble.

However, your desire to manage everything may reveal a deeper problem. Perhaps you do not fully trust that the Lord is enough to meet your needs. Although you trust Him for salvation, you may think He is either too busy or unwilling to bear your day-to-day needs.

But think this through carefully: How can the one who paid so dearly for your salvation deny you when it comes to the trials that affect you daily? He cannot. In fact, not only does He know exactly what you need, but He desires to satisfy your soul to the depths of your being. So relinquish your problems to the Father. He can certainly handle anything that comes your way.

Lord, thank You for being my Great Burden—Bearer. You are so good to me and I praise Your name, amen.

 In His presence… accept His help and provision