Destiny Christian Church
9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Believe God

Take courage! For I believe God. It will be just as he said.
ACTS 27:25 NLT

Sometimes you may feel as if you’re walking in loving oneness with Jesus that’ll never end. But then there are seasons He appears so distant, you wonder what’s blocking your fellowship with Him.

Yes, some of the seeming detachment may be due to unconfessed sin, but that’s not always the case. Remember, His goal is to build your faith, and that may mean removing any visible evidence of help as you continue to trust Him.

This was certainly true for Paul. Transported as a prisoner to Rome. where he knew he’d die for testifying about Jesus—Paul’s ship was torn asunder by a violent storm. The crew went without food or relief from the tempest many days, but Paul didn’t question why God allowed the suffering. Instead, he refused to give up hope. Paul knew the Lord was working all circumstances for good, no matter how desperate the situation appeared.

How about you? Even when you don’t sense His presence and all circumstances seem adverse, can you continue to testify, “I believe God”? Will you allow Him to grow your faith through the storm?

Father, I will take courage, for I believe You. I trust it will be just as You’ve promised me, amen. 

In His presence… believe Him.