Destiny Christian Church
9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Already Accomplished

This promise is from God himself who makes the dead live again and speaks of future events with as much certainty as though they were already past. ROMANS 4:17

In your limited sight, the fulfillment of God’s promises may appear distant. You cannot see the future or how the Lord is working, so it’s understandable to focus on the challenges ahead. However, your loving Father calls you to look to Him rather than your circumstances and to believe, “If He has promised me, then it’s already done.”

This is the faith that Abraham demonstrated. Although God promised him a son, the decades passed without fulfillment. No one would have blamed Abraham for being disheartened. After all, could a one-hundred-year-old man and a ninety-year-old woman really conceive a child?

But Abraham continued to believe, understanding that to his timeless God, Isaac already existed, as did the generations after him.

Friend, when God challenges you to trust Him, look beyond the natural, knowing what He’s promised has already been accomplished. Then you can trust Him to work, even when He’s undetected, and praise Him for His provision.

Lord, thank You that the blessings of Your plans have already been accomplished, amen.

In His presence… trust the promise is fulfilled.