Destiny Christian Church
9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Powerful And Effective

The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effect. JAMES 5:16 NIV 

Oh, the mighty power within your reach today—for change, healing, vindication, liberation, endurance, and eternal transformation. Your astounding, all-powerful God waits to respond to your requests with His unlimited supernatural resources.

However, you may be thinking, I pray, but I sense no such power Am I doing something wrong? If so, consider: Have you truly connected with your loving heavenly Father in deep fellowship with Him? Do you recognize who He is—the King of kings of all creation? Or do you merely take Him your list of requests without thought to His desires?

Likewise, do you truly believe He will help you? Do you have such confidence in His character and abilities that all your doubts are stifled? Finally, have you sought oneness with His heart– seeking His will in all things?

Friend, you can be a person of powerful and effective prayer. Don’t give up or be blinded by feelings of defeat or doubt. Rather be faithful to God in intercession, fight your battles on your knees, and trust Him. He hears and He certainly answers.

God, I desire deep fellowship with You. Help me understand the power of prayer amen.

In His presence… pray believing.