Destiny Christian Church
9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Those who look to him for help will be radiant with joy; no shadow of shame will darken their faces. Psalm 34:5

It is said that many of the loveliest saints do not know their own beauty. The Holy Spirit works through them so effortlessly, they don’t even realize His fruit has been made manifest in their lives. But those around them do.

So consider: Do you ever receive compliments that take you by surprise? Do people see things in you that you just don’t perceive in yourself? Perhaps someone has recently called attention to the joy of your countenance or the love you so freely express. Or maybe it is your faithfulness and self-control others admire about you.

If so, give credit to God and thank Him—He is demonstrating His wonderful presence in and through you. You may not notice any difference in yourself. In fact, you may be even more aware of your faults and failings. But be encouraged, the glory of the Lord is shining through you. And every time you meet your heavenly Father, you reflect His likeness even more.

Lord Jesus, thank You for shining through me and making me radiant with Your likeness. I pray others will know You as Savior and love You more, amen. 

In His presence… reflect His glory.