Destiny Christian Church
9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Better Than You Imagine

No mind has imagined what God has prepared for those who love him. 1 Corinthians 2:9 

Are you tempted to dream about the desire of your heart, to imagine what it would be like to enjoy it fully? If so, you may be setting yourself up for a fall.

Why? Because what you think about determines how you live. And when you envision certain situations, expectations form in your mind. Your cravings grow stronger; your thoughts become lustful. Eventually you lean on your understanding of circumstances rather than trusting God for His blessings-and when that happens, sin and despair are sure to follow. As James 1:15 (NIV) testifies, “After desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin.”

The good news is your imagination is no match for Lord’s. the No matter what wonderful things you can conceive, His provision for you is even better (Ephesians 3:20).

So when you’re tempted to dream about the desire of your heart, stop sin in its tracks by focusing on the Father’s faithfulness, creativity, power, and wisdom. And thank Him,knowing that what He’s creating for you is beyond what you can imagine.

Lord, please forgive my sin and teach me to focus my mind on You, amen. 

In His presence… trust His plans.