Destiny Christian Church
9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
Click here for directions

What You’re Asking

“How much more will your heavenly Father give good gifts to those who ask him.” 

Perhaps you’ve wondered, How can l be sure I’m asking God for the right thing? How do I know my request is in line with His will? Such thoughts may be causing you undue anxiety.

First, realize the Holy Spirit indwells you “to will and to work you His good pleasure (Philippians 2:13). Not only does He help for pray, but He will show you what to pray to remain on His path your life (Romans 8:26-27).

Second, God wants you to know His will. In fact, He’s even more motivated to accomplish it than you are. So when you’re seeking Him faithfully, you don’t ever have to worry you’ll miss it (Psalm 25:12)

Friend, if you’re asking for something that would ultimately hurt you, your heavenly Father will change your heart. It may take time, but He wants the absolute best for you. So don’t worry about whether you’re asking the right thing. Rather, be sensitive to His guidance and trust Him to lead you to His good and perfect gifts.

Father, I trust You to lead me in Your perfect will. Thank you for loving, protecting, and providing for me, amen.

In His presence… pray without fear.