Destiny Christian Church
9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Knowing God

Set your heart and your soul to seek the LORD your God. 1 CHRONICLES 22:19 

Never underestimate how significant you are to God–or how important He wants to be to you. You were created to know Him—to fellowship with Him and represent Him to others.

Sadly, when you only know facts about the Lord rather than truly experiencing Him, you may not fully grasp how deeply He loves you or the wonderful plans He has for your life. You’ll also sense an abiding void in your life that nothing can fill.

So consider, are seeking information about the Father or are you really getting to know Him? Are you pursuing God to receive a blessing or is your interest intimate fellowship with your Creator?

The Father wants you to understand far more about Him than just what He can do for you—He wants you to experience His eternal, all-sufficient, loving presence. He wants to satisfy the deepest parts of your being and heal the wounded places of your heart. So surrender yourself to Him with a complete and intimate trust. Be vulnerable with Him, hold nothing back, and discover the One your soul truly desires.

Lord, I want to know You. Draw me into Your loving presence and reveal Yourself to me, amen.

In His presence… know Him.