Destiny Christian Church
9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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A Fresh Outlook

With You is the fountain of life; in Your light we see light. PSALM 36: 9

When you meditate upon the Lord, you’ll see life from a different perspective. The issues that worry you lose their grip; the burdens that weaken you, God will turn to strength. Your viewpoint of relationships, tasks, problems, your enemies, and even your own personhood changes because you learn to see them all with the Father’s wisdom.

Of course, when you first approach the throne of grace, your frustration levels may be high. But the pressures will dissipate as you sit still before God, who accomplishes all things for you. After all, you’ll come face-to-face with the One who is fully able to help you with whatever concerns you. Why should you be afraid? There’s nothing that can defeat your God, who protects, provides for, and delivers you from all harm.

Friend, true biblical meditation will transform your spirit, emotions, and even your physical body. So today, spend time focusing your attention on God. Surely He will provide a fresh outlook for your life and peaceful rest for your soul, despite the difficulties of the day.

Father, remind me always to seek You for every burden so that I may have Your perspective and rest in Your care, amen.

In His presence… seek His perspective on all that concerns you.