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Deal With It

“When He, the Spirit of truth, comes, He will guide you into all truth.”
JOHN 16: 13

Whenever you pray about a certain topic, do particular emotions or failings come to mind? If so, the Holy Spirit may be bringing them to the surface so you’ll deal with them.

For example, if you try to pray for a person, but begin tearing the individual apart in your mind instead, it’s likely the Father is revealing your envy or unforgiveness. Take your feelings of anger or jealousy to the Lord.

Or perhaps as you intercede for another, lustful thoughts unexpectedly assail you. God is not tempting you— He is revealing the sin hidden in your heart so you can repent.

It may even be that as you’re praying about a challenge, the Father repeatedly reminds you of an incident from your childhood. It’s not a mistake—He is revealing truth to you. Don’t ignore it; rather, ask Him what it means.

The Lord desires to heal you to the core of your being—even in the places you’ve forgotten exist. So listen to Him and deal with whatever He surfaces, confident He is leading you to freedom.

Lord, I repent of these hidden sins. Thank You for surfacing these issues and liberating me of them, amen.

In His presence… allow Him to set you free.