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What Is an Offence?

For it is not an enemy who reproaches me; Then I could bear it. Nor is it one who hates me who has exalted himself against me; Then I could hide from him. But it was you, a man my equal, my companion and my acquaintance. We took counsel together, and walked to the house of God in the throng. (Psalm 55:12-14)

What Is an Offence?

Offence in the simplest terms is when a person becomes angry or has hurt feelings. When we are offended, we experience a bewildering array of emotions ranging from physical pain, hurt feelings, confusion, rejection, shock, amazement etc. We are left feeling wounded and bitter. Our instinct is not to forgive whoever hurt us. Our natural human instinct takes over and because we do not want to be so vulnerable as to be hurt again, we begin to build a protective wall around our hearts. We become wary of those who are close to us. This is because they are most likely to hurt us, simply because of our close relationship with them. If something goes wrong with that relationship, we burn up so much energy in withholding access to our hearts that we become hardened and insensitive. This attitude becomes a stumbling block leading to mistrust, torment of our minds and the distortion of our perceptions.

Offence can cause you to walk in denial, and keep up a false impression, whilst you are full of anger, malice, hatred etc. The person harboring offense or negative emotions inside them is as guilty as the one who is open about his emotions. You can create an impression of being super-spiritual, suppress your anger, and destroy yourself.

Are you offended?
Have people caused you grief?
How would Jesus react to this?
Friends are fighting friends
Pastors are fighting pastors
Presidents are fighting presidents
Politicians are fighting politicians
Everybody is defending a cause.
What would you do?
If Jesus had been in your shoes,
Would He have run off to spread the evil report?

Offence works both ways. We are human, and just as we become offended, so also do we offend. If we try to remember this, it will be easier not to take offence. No one is immune to offence and it comes from various sources. Some people are offended by society; they are angry and blame society for all their woes. Some are even angry with God, whom they blame for the pressures and challenges of life. In the opinion of some others, religion is to blame for wars, disunity and all other problems in the world. The Gospel is seen as an offence to those who are perishing, so they choose to persecute those who carry it. Even the name “Jesus” is offensive to some people. The religious establishment in Christ’s day took offence at His message, opposed Him and eventually orchestrated His crucifixion.

It is not wise to take to heart everything you hear about yourself. This is because we are all guilty of offending someone. For example, you could say something unkind about someone and it is likely that someone else will say something uncomplimentary about you too. The Bible says in Ecclesiastics 7:21-22, “Also do not take to heart everything people say, lest you hear your servant cursing you. For many times, also, your own heart has known that even you have cursed others. ” It is my prayer that you do not allow yourself to be ensnared by the enemy, and that by the time you finish reading this book, you will say to yourself, “Offence is not my destiny. I am settling for nothing but the best. I shall not accept anything less.” Remember what Jesus said, “The devil comes to kill, to steal and to destroy. But I have come that ye may have life and have it more abundantly. ” John 10:10. God Bless You.

For questions or further reading, please feel free to contact us .



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