9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Demonstration of Power

Don’t be afraid. Just stand still and watch the LORD rescue you.
Exodus 14:13

Are you experiencing situations that you’re absolutely powerless to manage on your own? Perhaps you’re facing vocational, physical, relational, or financial challenges that make you feel completely helpless and you wonder, God, why have You allowed this?

No doubt the children of Israel felt the same way as they stood defenseless between the advancing Egyptian army and the impassable Red Sea. Yet the Lord had not abandoned them. He was teaching them a lesson they would need repeatedly as they followed Him-that their weaknesses were simply the place to display His profound power. And as they stood watching, God divided the mighty waters of the sea and allowed them to pass on dry ground.

Friend, you do not have to feel afraid or helpless. The Lord is with you He opens the way before you with His wise, omnipotent hand. He has allowed these circumstances for the purpose of demonstrating you can count on Him completely. So do not fear. Obey His direction and trust Him to deliver you.

Lord, I’m overwhelmed by these challenges, but I will trust You. Thank you for showing me your power and making a way for me, amen.

In His presence… praise Him for His mighty power.