9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Obedient Patience

Rest in the LORD, and wait patiently for Him. . . . Do not fret—it only causes harm.
Psalm 37:7–8

It is never wise to know God’s will and disregard it. If the Father has insisted you wait for Him, then the only wise course is to remain patient until He shows you how to proceed. To do otherwise may mean delaying His blessings— or worse, forfeiting them altogether.

King Saul found this out the hard way. He was well aware that the Lord had appointed Samuel to make the sacrifices. However, with an enormous Philistine army arrayed against his small Israelite forces, he grew exceedingly fearful. The prophet had not arrived to administer the offering, his men were deserting him, enemy soldiers were growing restless, and Saul knew he couldn’t defeat the Philistines without God’s help. So he disobeyed God and made the sacrifice himself. And because of his impatience, the Lord tore the kingdom from his hands (1 Samuel 13: 1– 14). Do not make the same mistake.

Don’t act out of fear. Whatever the decision, wait for God. He will show you what to do and bless your obedient patience.

Father, I will wait for You. I know You hear me and will answer my prayers in Your perfect time, amen.

In His presence… wait with patient expectations.