9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Overcoming Mountains

Every valley shall be raised up, every mountain and hill made low. . . . And the glory of the LORD will be revealed. ISAIAH 40: 4–5

When you face a mountain in your life, you have a choice: be overwhelmed or be energized because you know the Savior will reveal Himself in a profound way to you.

Of course, your first thought may be, If I were really in God’s will, I wouldn’t be facing obstacles—especially ones this enormous. But that is not so. You have an enemy who will oppose you whenever he sees the Lord doing anything great through you. You can be in the center of God’s plan, doing exactly as He says, and encounter a mount of opposition.

But don’t focus on the mountain, friend. Look at almighty God who loves and provides for you. He can handle the troubles before you with ease (Matthew 21: 21). And if you respond correctly—with faith—your relationship with Him will grow stronger and He will be glorified.

So don’t give up! Look to God and trust Him. You’ll be amazed at how He levels the mountains before you.

Lord, thank You for taking care of the mountain before me—it is nothing to You. I praise You, my Savior! Amen.

In His presence . . . watch for the Savior’s deliverance.