“I will put My law within them and on their heart will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. They will all know Me, from the least of them to the greatest of them,” declares the LORD. JEREMIAH 31:33-34
Do you long to engage in direct and meaningful communication with God? Do you want to hear from Him and understand His path for your life? The Lord is in the communication business. And His primary way of speaking to you today is through His Word.
In the Bible, you have the complete revelation of God—He doesn’t need to add anything else to it. It is the unfolding truth of His character and ways throughout history—completely inspired by the Holy Spirit. And just as His spirit controlled the minds of the men who penned its pages, He can and will teach you the truth through it.
So when you face difficulties or heartaches, rather than seeking the counsel of others, first go to Scripture and hear straight from your Savior. He wants to speak to you. Set your heart to listen.
Precious Lord, help me hear You speak through Your Word today, amen.
In His presence… listen for His voice as you read His Word.