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[The people of Berea] searched the Scriptures day after day to see if Paul and Silas were teaching the truth. ACTS 17:11 NLT 

There are two kinds of listeners: passive and aggressive. A passive listener takes what his pastor says as truth without much more consideration. On the other hand, an aggressive listener diligently seeks to know what God has to say—and grows much more quickly in his faith because of it.

Aggressive listeners are the ones whose Bibles are open and pens are ready. In Bible study, they demonstrate an inquisitive mind. In personal devotion, their notebooks are replete with insight into God’s ways. They are always probing, searching, and comparing what they’ve heard with previous instruction. And the Father blesses their attentive hearts (Matthew 7: 7– 8).

So consider, are you sensitive to what God is saying? Do you persist in asking how the lessons you’re taught apply to your own life? Do you take what you hear as truth, or do you investigate the Word, making sure the principles you’ve learned align with Scripture? What kind of listener are you?

Father, I want to be an aggressive listener who can identify Your truth and apply it to my life. Teach me to hear You and walk in Your ways, amen. 

In His presence . . . commit to aggressive listening.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F.. Every Day in His Presence (p. 175).


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