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Blessed is the one . . . whose delight is in the law of the LORD, and who meditates on his law day and night. PSALM 1: 1– 2 NIV 

You have a choice every day: to involve God in your life through prayer and time in His Word, or to go it alone. One ultimately yields peace while the other brings anxiety.

But take note, you’re not just promised tranquility when you meditate on Scripture— you’re assured you’ll be blessed.

This is because when you ponder the Word deeply—analyzing it, considering it thoroughly, and asking God for insight into it—your pattern of thinking is changed in the process. The Father gives you uncommon wisdom for your finances, relationships, and future. And when your mind is filled with His ways— His goodness, will, provision, power, and principles— you will have a peace and steadfast faith no storm can tear apart.

So today, make the choice—involve the Lord in your life by meditating on His Word and seeking Him in prayer.

Father, open Your Word to me—fill me with a passion for Scripture and Your holy presence. I commit my life to You and seek understanding into Your will and Your ways, amen. 

In His presence . . . allow Him to guide your life and teach you His ways.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F.. Every Day in His Presence (p. 182).