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Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD. PSALM 33: 12

Our nation is always in need of prayer. In good times and bad, whether at war or at peace, during seasons of overflowing abundance or great need, it’s always important for us to intercede for our country.

Why? First, because our fellow citizens need to accept Jesus as their Savior. If we desire for our nation to be characterized by godly families, wise and capable leaders, and strong communities, then we need to pray our countrymen will enthrone the Lord in their homes and hearts.

Second, we need the Father’s favor and protection against threats such as terrorist attacks, natural disasters, epidemics, and economic downturns. If we wish for our country to remain safe, productive, and strong, we will need God’s divine provision.

So today, kneel before the Lord, seek His face, repent from your sins, and ask Him to bless the nation. Only the Lord can truly transform our country. And He has promised to do so when we ask according to His will and act in obedience to Him (2 Chronicles 7: 14).

Lord, today I pray for my country. May my fellow citizens accept You as Savior and may Your name be exalted across this land, amen.

In His presence . . . ask God to heal the nation.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F.. Every Day in His Presence (p. 199).