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We have fixed our hope on the living God, who is the Savior.
1 TIMOTHY 4:10

You have a living hope in Jesus Christ. Take this truth to heart today—though all around you appears desperate and your dreams seem to have perished. No matter the present circumstances, you can take courage in the knowledge that your Savior is the triumphant Warrior who has defeated your every foe (Revelation 17:14). He helps you and will continue to fight for you regardless of what circumstances arise.

This is the strength and joy of your Christian life—it is always possible to live above the present because your future is secure. You have an incorruptible inheritance, an unwavering Defender, and your God’s unfailing love. But you must choose to believe His promises (2 Corinthians 1:20).

So if you’ve experienced loss, do not despair. This defeat is only for the moment and what is truly important can never be taken from you. Focus on your living hope. Set your eyes on Jesus, your Lord and Savior and expect Him to lead you to victory.

Lord Jesus, You are a mighty Warrior my triumphant Savior, and my Living Hope. You never fail. Help me cling to you now and forever, amen.

In His presence… allow Him to restore your hope.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F.. Every Day in His Presence (p. 203).