9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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   I heard Your voice in the garden, and was afraid because I was naked; and I hid myself. 

Why did God call to Adam after he ate the forbidden fruit? Didn’t the Lord know where Adam was? Of course He did. But Adam was hiding out of fear and shame—just as many of us retreat emotionally and spiritually after we’ve disobeyed the Father.

But understand, God didn’t ask Adam questions to find out information. Rather, He did so to receive a response—to reveal what thoughts were driving Adam’s decisions. He does the same for us.

Unfortunately, like Adam and Eve before us, we often give excuses. We try to rationalize our disobedience instead of accepting the mercy and healing the Lord so freely offers (1 John 1:9).

But friend, the Father wants you to turn to Him so He can free you of the shame and pain you bear. God knows your past, future, personality, roundedness, and everything that makes you who you are-and He loves you anyway. So don’t hide from Him. Return to the Lord. Seek His wonderful presence, let Him heal you, and live.

Father, I’ve been hiding areas of my life because of my shame. Please set me free and restore the joy of Your salvation, amen. 

In His presence… receive forgiveness and healing.