9470 Micron Ave, Sacramento, CA 95827
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Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of faith. HEBREWS 12: 1–2

Whenever you struggle with your faith in a particular situation, remember: you can place your trust in Jesus because of who He is and what He’s done.

He is your Savior, Lord, Life-Giver, Protector, Provider, Counselor, Sustainer, and Redeemer. He knows everything about you—even details you don’t know about yourself. Because the Lord God is omniscient and omnipotent, He always knows what is absolutely best for you. And because He loves you, you can count on the fact that He will faithfully provide it for you.

Your wonderful Savior has forgiven you of all your sins (Colossians 1: 13– 14), made you complete (Colossians 2: 10), and has given you everything you need for life and godliness (2 Peter 1: 3). He is absolutely sovereign, unfathomably wise, and He cares for you perfectly.

Friend, you can trust Jesus to guide your steps. So place your absolute faith in Him, confident that He will honor your trust in Him and lead you to life at its very best.

Lord Jesus, I fix my eyes on You, confident You will lead me in the best way possible, amen.

In His presence . . . fix your eyes on Him and be filled with faith.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 226).