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Let me know your ways that l may know You, so that I may find favor in Your sight.
EXODUS 33:13 

Moses loved and revered God. He sought out a relationship with Him that went much deeper than just believing the Lord exists he wanted to live in a manner that honored his Creator. So Moses prayed and sought His face. And the Lord honored Moses greatly (Exodus 33:19-23)

Friend, learn from Moses’ example. Set your heart to search out God’s ways and experience an extraordinary blessing. As you understand how the Lord thinks and operates, you’ll be amazed at the inconceivably awesome way He works in your life and the astounding depth of His love for you.

Eventually you will experience intimacy with the Savior in ways you never imagined. As it did for Moses, this will absolutely revolutionize your life. Undoubtedly, your desire to please Him will increase. You will learn to rest in the fact that He is God, and He is at work. But you will also have the right tools to live an abundant life one that is complete, glorious, full of favor, and marvelously eternal.

Lord, I want to understand Your ways Show me who You are so I may find favor in Your sight, amen.

In His presence… you will discover His ways.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 236).


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