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“He who is faithful in a very little thing is faithful also in much.”
LUKE 16: 10

There will be opportunities today for you to take shortcuts and do less than your best—and you may have a million reasons for why you should do so. However, realize that whenever you choose to throw away any opportunity for honoring God, you’re cutting yourself off from His best blessings. But if you glorify Him in even the minor issues, He will reward your faithfulness.

For example, when Joseph’s brothers sold him into slavery (Genesis 37), he served in Potiphar’s household, was falsely accused, and went to jail (Genesis 39). Yet he refused to feel sorry for himself. Rather, he chose to do the absolute best job possible— not just to bless the warden of the prison, but to honor God. And the Lord eventually used his dedication to place him as second in command of Egypt (Genesis 40–41).

Friend, don’t look at your circumstances or try to cut corners. Do your best wherever God has placed you and trust Him to lift you up (1 Peter 5: 5– 6). Wherever you are, work with excellence, and trust He will lead you on the path of blessing.

Lord, help me do my best so You will always be glorified in my life, amen.

In His presence . . . be faithful.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 243).


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