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“If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself and take up his cross, and follow Me.”  MATTHEW 16:24 NKJV

Are you in a situation that is not God’s best for you? Are you facing the consequences of your decisions and wondering if He will ever help you again? While the Father is always glad to provide the wisdom and insight you need, He will wait to answer you until you’re in a position to accept His guidance. In other words, He wants you to be willing to do as He says.

If you think about it, Jesus made Himself available to His disciples, but they had to choose to follow Him and obey His commands. Some who heard the Savior speak went away unchanged. But those who submitted to His leadership experienced a dramatic transformation.

You have the same opportunity today. So present yourself to the Lord—knowing that He loves and accepts you completely—and do as He says. And, friend, be assured as He works on your heart, changes will come; some of them painful, some of them delightful—but all of them purposeful.

Father, I will trust Your ways for my life. Help me graciously accept whatever changes or opportunities You put before me, amen.

In His presence… allow Him to guide your steps.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 245).


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