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Blessed are those who keep my ways. PROVERBS 8:32 NKJV

Sometimes when God is revealing Himself to you, He may move in your life in a miraculous way. But friend, take note— He not only wants you to understand His divine, omnipotent nature, He also wants to teach you about His attributes and character, and for you to desire the same things that He does.

This means God shows you not just to do good works but to be fully devoted to Christ and His purposes. Yes, there is a difference. You can perform acts of charity without ever loving those you serve. But when you’re influenced by the Spirit of the living God, you have a deep, passionate love for souls that transcends their physical needs or how they respond to you.

You see, when God is at work in your life, He brings eternal change. He lifts you up, prepares you for His service, and gives you a greater understanding of why He gave so much to redeem humanity. Knowing who He is in such a profound way will transform your life, inspire you to reach others, and bring about a greater sense of peace and security than this world can ever deliver.

Lord, please align my desires with Yours as I fellowship with You today, amen.

In His presence . . . experience and reflect His love.

Stanley, Dr. Charles F. (2014-11-11). Every Day in His Presence (p. 249).


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